Miami at Night

Join me on a captivating journey through Miami after the sun sets. From high above, my drone's eye view reveals a magical world where the city's lights come alive, painting a dazzling tapestry of colors against the dark canvas of the night. Explore the electric energy of South Beach, the neon-lit streets of downtown, and the serene beauty of Biscayne Bay under a starry sky. Each photo in this story is a glimpse into Miami's after-hours enchantment, where the city's nightlife meets its natural beauty, creating a visual symphony that's bound to leave you spellbound.

Miami By air Vol.2

Welcome to the mesmerizing world of Miami through the lens of my drone! I am thrilled to share my second journey to this vibrant city, where I've captured breathtaking images that showcase Miami's unique charm and allure.

Road To Key West

I had the incredible opportunity to explore the road to Key West by drone. I captured stunning photos of the endless Seven Mile Bridge, contrasting water colors, and paradisiacal islands along the way. The communities were incredibly beautiful, with vibrant houses and tropical gardens. It was an amazing experience that resulted in breathtaking photographs.

Ivano-Frankivsk ,Ukraine

No trip to Ukraine would be complete without a visit to Ivano-Frankivsk. Here are a few of my favorite shots; They're atmospheric, minimalist compositions from the best city on the planet. And I'm not just saying that because it's my hometown...

We need your support. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, all profits from the sale of ANY of my photographic prints will be donated to Ukraine's United24 fund.

I highly recommend something from my Ukrainian collection! Or, you can donate directly to United24.
Thank you.

Manhattan Bridge (New York)

One of my favorite stories including fog is about the Manhattan Bridge. The beauty of the bridge combines with morning fog creates a strong story about this piece of architecture and giving it Gotham feel.

When shooting during fog conditions use a polarizer to be able to cut through the fog just a bit. I also used a 3 stop nd filter to smoothen the water.

The Gear I use.

Camera  - Wide Lens -

Telephoto Lens - Tripod -

L-bracket - Remote shutter release -

Filter holder - Night filter -

Lee ND Filters - NISI ND Filters -

ND Grade filters - Backpack -

City Shadows (New York,USA)

After Sunrise or just before sunset when the sun is not too far from horizon, the city creates some interesting shadows.

I Like to use a telephoto lens but any focal lengths would work, just need to find your composition. It is all about balancing light and dark tones in your image.

The Gear I use.

Camera  - Wide Lens -

Telephoto Lens - Tripod -

L-bracket - Remote shutter release -

Filter holder - Night filter -

Lee ND Filters - NISI ND Filters -

ND Grade filters - Backpack -